of shame or because you feel guilty. Think about that drink be- fore you take it, if you are going to take it because you are ash- amed of Rose, for if that is the reason, then you haven't reached maturity yet.

Remember this, what you have been throwing away on booze could buy Rose some lovely dresses or other items of apparel that I am quite sure she would appreciate. I believe even Tom will be proud of her, once she has been allowed to fully express herself.

If I can help you, please feel free to write me.


EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article entitled, "My Friend Ber- nie" was written by a friend of "Madeleine's" and is published to show other fearful and guilt ridden TVs that there are friends of "his" who can also be friends of "hers". His article makes a fit- ting complementary article to this one as it sets forth the same problem from the point of view of a non-TV observer. We know for a fact that we have others in our readership who are strong drinkers. Some have found themselves and peace of mind through A. A. others are still fighting alone. It is the hope of the Editor, of Madeleine and of her understanding friend that the publication of this dual case history may prove of help to others who are also fighting the war on two fronts --Alcohol and TV. May it help them win on both.